Dora Author of articles

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4 Articles

Author's articles

  • Who should contact nail fungus: dermatologist or mycologist. The first signs you should see a doctor. General principles of treatment of onychomycosis.
    20 April 2022
  • It is not always possible to get rid of nail fungus quickly, but you should not delay treatment, because there are many proven methods that guarantee that the disease will pass. The article contains effective methods to combat fungal infections.
    3 April 2022
  • Fungal infections of the toes are a very common condition. Why does it appear and how does it manifest itself? How to treat fungal infections with traditional and folk remedies? Answers in the article.
    23 August 2021
  • There are two types of fungi, the causes of which are very similar to those caused by the same virus. Toenail fungus, toenail fungus: signs of infection, how to prevent the appearance of the fungus, treatment.
    23 April 2021